Sunday, September 18, 2011

been a long, long time...

I had good intentions at the beginning of this year to blog here regularly. But did that happen?? Obviously not. I want to start blogging regularly, but I'm having some trouble making decisions about exactly how I want to do it and how to go forward.

First of all... Since the beginning of summer, I haven't done very many new things with Subtle Harmony. (Except a new banner and matching business cards!) I added only a few new items. I took a step back, a break from the shops as I thought about some long-term goals. In early August I deactivated the few items in the Zibbet shop, and I put the Etsy and ArtFire shops into vacation mode. Etsy came out of vacation mode and is currently open - but a percentage of my usual items remain deactivated. The ArtFire shop, for the time being, is still in vacation mode. I have so many things going on right now that I thought it would be best to focus only on one shop at the moment.

I've been busy studying and learning the past months... learning things that will, I hope, give me new knowledge and ideas for Subtle Harmony products and services. One thing I've done is that I've enrolled in Hibiscus Moon's Crystal Healer Certification Program and I've been taking some absolutely fabulous and wonderful classes on crystals and crystal healing! I still have some classes left to take before completing the program, but each class has been simply incredible and I'm looking forward to the others.

That's just one thing going on... I plan to talk more about other happenings in future posts.

Something I've realized in the past weeks is that I want to get back to my original goal for Subtle Harmony - which includes a website where I can offer more services. (Right now simply redirects to the Etsy shop.) So another question I've been pondering is: Do I keep this blog separate from that future website, or incorporate them together? Should I change to a different blogging platform? What to do? I don't really know enough right now to make a decision. A change to the blog, if it comes at all, probably won't happen until at least a couple of months down the road.

Other changes...  I've started art journaling. I'm spending more time outside barefooted, getting more grounded, more centered, and closer to nature. And my hair is now 6 or 7 inches shorter than it was a couple of months ago.

I hope you're all doing well. Thanks for visiting.  ♥