Sunday, November 21, 2010


Our 16-year-old cat passed away in mid-June. I blogged about it here in an earlier post. When Chance died, it was the first time in our marriage that we had no animals in the house - and it felt strange. Not only was there the adjustment to Chance being gone, but there was also an adjustment to having only two human people in the household... and no sounds of purrs or meows or wild gallops through the house, no furry creatures to pet or talk to or cuddle.

Several weeks ago, we adopted Chloe. She's a little over a year old - about 15 months. She is sooo sweet. She's timid, and it took her a while to start trusting us and get used to being here, but she's settled in nicely and is enjoying being thoroughly spoiled by us.

My husband taught her how to play fetch with her catnip mouse, and she LOVES it! She brings the mousie to us to throw and she'll chase after it (or sometimes even catch it in mid-air) and trot back to us with the toy in her mouth, dropping it at our feet and waiting for us to toss it again.

In non-cat news, Subtle Harmony is now settled in nicely at ArtFire. We have no plans to leave Etsy, we just wanted to expand to include other venues. The new facebook page is gradually gaining fans (see the right column for a quick way to check us out there). Several new items have been posted in the shops recently, and there's more to come soon.

I'm still not organized about blogging regularly... so in case I don't post here again in the next few days, I'll go ahead now and wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanks for stopping by. ♥

Thursday, November 4, 2010

new happenings...

The move is official, and the SpiralSpace shop on Etsy is empty (for the moment, at least!) and everything is now at our new Etsy shop, Subtle Harmony. You can click here to visit the shop.

And... Subtle Harmony has just opened an ArtFire studio! Most of the products are the same at both shops, but there are a few differences. I hope you'll check out our shop on ArtFire by clicking here.

If you've visited the blog before, you might notice it looks a little different. I know nothing about how to do website stuff, but I've been playing around with the blogger design, trying to help this little blog transition a little from SpiralSpace to Subtle Harmony. I didn't scratch this one and start over with a new blog with a new name... but maybe that would be the thing to do. Decisions, decisions!

Despite my good intentions, I haven't blogged much these past months. My ArtFire studio has a blog feature, and I've posted one entry there since opening shop. Maybe I'll finally get better at keeping up with blogging.

Thanks for stopping by. ♥